
Expert ISO Certification & Audit Advice

Welcome to Pinnacle Thistle Consultancy. We provide expert ISO accreditation advice and support for organisations throughout the UK. We have years of experience working implementing, running and auditing organisations with various ISO certifications. Whether you’re new to the ISO certification process or already maintaining an active system in your company we can help you pass your audits successfully and get the most from your ISO management system.

Our Services

We can take you on an end-to-end journey of ISO certification and maintenance. From developing your initial systems to engaging with your certification body, our aim is to take the pain out of ISO.

For companies looking to become ISO Accredited:For companies already ISO Accredited:
1) Write and implement management system for various standards
2) Training staff on running a newly implemented management system
3) Train staff to conduct internal audits
4) Sanity check & validate your management system prior to your certification audit.
1) Undertake internal audits
2) Preparation for annual surveillance audit
3) Train staff to get the most from your management system and run it effectively
4) Review procedures and advise on effective alterations.

We’re happy to help over the phone, come and work directly with your team onsite or work remotely.


We’re experts at ISO

ISO 9001:2015 + A1:2024


The ISO 9001 standard is now not only a Quality Management tool, but a business management system that efficiently and effectively manages your business. It provides structures and systems within the Organisation to ensure that, not only are your products and services to specification, but also all the background business systems are operating to the highest standards. Certification to this standard will provide all your clients with the reassurance that when they request products and services from your organisation, they will be conducted in a structured fashion resulting in increased satisfaction.

ISO 9001 is a globally recognised standard, and is one of the most important quality standards. Businesses are becoming more aware that dealing with accredited companies enhances their own business performance as they recognise the further controls from their suppliers in product, service and quality.

ISO 14001:2015 + A1:2024


The Environmental status of an organisation plays an important part in the credibility and sustainability of a business. Certification to the ISO 14001 Environmental Standards provides many organisations with the opportunity to demonstrate their Environmental credentials and can give them an upper hand in the tendering and quotation process stages of business negotiations.

ISO 14001 is the recognised Environmental Certification Standard  throughout the world and with Environmental issues, clearly in focus for everyone, this strategic area of business management deserves to be well defined.

ISO 14001 is a Business Management system tool for managing an organisation’s activities and control the resultant impacts on the environment to a minimum. Enhancing Environmental awareness within an organisation will provide beneficial cost savings and efficiencies,

As a part of the Standard, Legal and legislative compliance will enable an organisation to monitor its activities against environmental issues and control them before they represent a problem.

ISO 45001:2018 + A1:2024

Health & Safety

ISO 45001:2018 highlights and demonstrates that your business cares for its workforce, looking after your employees well being and ensuring that any foreseeable risks are well managed and controlled. Certification to this standard will demonstrate to prospective clients that your Organisation is managed efficiently and responsibly from a Health and Safety perspective, which will also bring the benefits of stability and professionalism.

ISO 45001:2018 is a Business Management system tool for managing an organisation’s activities and control the resultant hazards and risks presented to it  and enhance its Health and Safety performance and to maintain incidents to a minimum. This system looks at the management of hazard and risk management on a proactive basis, enhancing awareness within an organisation, and to provide a well engaged workforce, promote safe working practices, methods and a healthy workplace.

As a part of the Standard, Legal and legislative compliance will enable an organisation to engage with its employees and monitor its activities, against Health and Safety issues and ensure that control measures are in place to minimise any hazards or risks before they represent a problem.